You know what, no, this is how we want it

August 19, 2021
Community Author
Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up and share their musical loves. This post is from a community user and as such not affiliated with Mumubl. There's every chance they still have a cool music taste though ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Inspiration Liverpool

This post is part of the Inspiration Liverpool project

The music behind the music of Liverpool - a Mumubl.com project talking to people involved in music in Liverpool. View all posts at https://inspirationliverpool.co.uk.

Does the doors count as mainstream music? I guess it probably does, when a track is covered by someone who found fame on TV show Popstars it’s hard not to consider it at least a little mainstream.

โ€œIt’s a song that stands out from my childhood, the first song that as a kid I heard and struck me as something different.โ€ says Pete. โ€œI remember, about age 12 in the late 80s, sneaking the radio on before I went to bed without my mum knowing. There was a late night radio show on Radio city and in amongst all the pop shit there were what seemed like a few more random selections. These boots were made for walking was one that I remember, and the other was this. Listening to it amongst all that stuff going out in the 80s you’d be like โ€˜What the fuck is this?โ€™โ€

โ€œAs I heard it on the radio it was the radio edit I grew up with, I’ve listened to the 7 minute album version of course. There’s just something great about it. It was the first song I heard that felt different, that made me sit up and take notice. This was before I was playing anything, before I’d picked up a guitar. This song has stuck with me amongst other Doors stuff. I listened to some others, in fact most of The Doors music, but I guess it’s like anything, the first thing that hits you hits hardest.

โ€œWe messed around with a song with me playing keyboards, we never finished it properly, it got a bit borderline close to this. It does go on a bit, there’s so much in there you could tighten up and parts of it feel unnecessary, even in the radio edit, there’s stuff you could cut out but they’ve not done. I always admire that, when someone can say โ€˜you know what, no, this is how we want it.โ€™ โ€

The music behind the music of Liverpool - a Mumubl.com project talking to people involved in music in Liverpool.

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Kinda mainstream – not quite

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