I remember seeing someone dressed in a suit

May 6, 2014
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There are many firsts through your life that you can probably remember, first gig is definitely one of them. Mine was the Royal Court in Liverpool in ’99.ย Off the back of their Mercury music prize win the year before I’d picked up the album “Bring it on” and enjoyed Gomez’s unusual blues / folky / rock / indie sound. Me and two friends headed off to watch the band, I remember waiting whilst each of us, just slightly under age, took turns to try and get served at the bar, trying the different bars around the venue and having various levels of success. I also remember it being notable for an unknown band called Coldplayย being one of the supporting acts, it’s unlikely you’d find that headline / support line up happening even a year after that gig.ย This gig though was pretty unremarkable but enjoyable enough that I went to many many more.

Gomez remained in my canon of music I listened to for long after this without having any huge impact. Years later they played the student union whilst my sister was still at uni and we went and watched them and had a great time and I realised how much good music from them I’d missed in the interim.

The track in question here is probably the most well known from the album, except for maybe “Get myself arrested”. A simple guitar chord progression forms the basis with a few interesting little breakdowns and the sound of Gomez is laid down. It’s also one of those songs that seem like there’s some cryptic or other meaning to the lyrics when in fact there probably isn’t.

It’s popularity was probably also helped by the quirky video of possibly the worlds best busking session, a video that stars a rather young looking Toby Jones.

Creator of Mumubl, sharing various songs I've loved from my past - big famous classics, little quirky unknowns, anything that I enjoyed once upon a time.

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