The Beatles are just part of life

September 10, 2024
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Nirvana was probably my first introduction to a type of music I loved but to be fair The Beatles are pretty much tied as my favourite band. My initial introduction was through my parents dancing round to early Beatles in the living room.

Now, basically over the years, I’ve pretty much studied The Beatles, I’ve grown to love all of their stuff. To me they’re sacred, they’re like the pope to me. They can do no wrong. Put on any Beatles for me, god bless you, I love it all.

There’s moments on several albums but possibly the best for me, The White album, Revolver, Magical Mystery Tour and Abbey road. One of my favourite songs of all time is “I want you (she’s so heavy)” because, the final riff in that song. Depending on who you talk to, it was before Black Sabbath really started heavy metal and I mean – it doesn’t get any better than that. But originally I resisted them because the only context I was introduced to them was my parents dancing round the living room to their early stuff, like “Hard Days Night” and I love my father, RIP, but it wasn’t until I was around 14 or 15 and I had a girlfriend from Wales and she showed me their later material and I thought who is this? Like who’s doing this stuff? My parents checked out the second the Beatles got more psychedelic “oh they’re smoking weed, we’re done”. But like who’s writing Tomorrow Never Knows and all that stuff? It blew my mind that it was the same band and I got interested from there.

The span of what The Beatles did, like 5 years, pretty much, it’s silly. Anyone who says they don’t like The Beatles, maybe take another listen. Maybe there’s an era for them. The Beatles are part of life and it depends on how you’re introduced to them, in what context.

I probably have like 30 vinyls, I collect everything, anything they put out I a sucker for it, just like Lord of the Rings.

And I watched that recent documentary like 3 times over. It’s amazing, it’s great to be a fly on the wall in their creative process. To see them writing those songs is really inspiring as well, just to see them hanging out and bickering as friends and foes, its all good. And to have Peter Jackson at the helm. As far as things that I love I try to be non cynical as much as possible, because a lot of people are cynical but if you’re going to get any new footage or coverage you may as well take it and smile. If I’m going to get new footage of The Beatles I’ll take it. Don’t get me wrong the discography is the discography but I’ll happily take all that new footage and archival stuff.


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