You make the rocking world go round

July 20, 2012
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Having written about one epic yesterday it got me to thinking about another epic band, kings of the rock opera – Queen. Rather than go with the epic Bohemian Rhapsody I thought I’d start with one song that really sticks in my mind from being a kid – Fat Bottomed Girls. 

My love of Queen is firmly rooted in my dads music tastes and many car journeys to holiday in Wales sat in the back of a sky blue Fiesta packed to the rafters with what must have been the majority of the contents of our house. I can still remember the blue cassette that Queens greatest hits had been recorded onto from the LP my dad owned. 
The whole song and especially the guitar riff is as fat as the bottomed girls of the title, it’s a monster of a riff and the way it kicks in at the start is brilliant – this is how you rock. 

Creator of Mumubl, sharing various songs I've loved from my past - big famous classics, little quirky unknowns, anything that I enjoyed once upon a time.

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