Not quite the target audience but I really enjoy this song

April 14, 2013
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For many years Lenny Kravitz was similar to so many other acts, I was aware of him, heard a few tracks but never had a big interest. Then I picked up his greatest hits a couple of years after my interest had been peaked by the single Fly Away. Sadly like many other artists he’s someone I still know mostly through their one greatest hits album and never ventured much further into the back catalogue.  Still I really enjoy the album and there is of course some great guitar playing on there.

For no particularly obvious reason Mr Cab Driver always stood out, I just enjoyed it, the structure is a straight forward blues progression, predictable in structure with a simple riff. 
It feels a little strange enjoying it so much when I can’t identify with it , being a white guy from the Northwest of England I’ve never struggled to get a cab because of the colour of my skin or having dreadlocks. Still not identifying doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it, and apparently it’s a protest song written with some humour so I’m sure Mr Kravitz wouldn’t mind.
For straight forward blues based rock fun it’s hard to beat, it’s just as enjoyable whether you can relate or not.

Creator of Mumubl, sharing various songs I've loved from my past - big famous classics, little quirky unknowns, anything that I enjoyed once upon a time.

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