Finding peace

July 29, 2022
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Daughter’s whimsical woes in the song Youth are captivating. This isn’t just a break up song, this is a window to the most vulnerable aspects of human emotion. This is melancholy at it’s finest, and it’s the first song i play on a rainy day or if i’m not feeling up to the outside world. It’s one of those songs you let rush over you when your half submerged in the bath or horizontal, eyes closed. The goose bumps are real, and so is this bands authenticity.

Long have i wished my own voice could match up to Daughters front woman Elena Tonra, she seems to evoke tenderness and delicateness without even trying. How wonderful it must be to barely need any instrumental input and instead let your voice do the work. Which is exactly what she does, there is no need for fancy kickdrums and harsh instrumentals. Her voice is raw and beautiful all on it’s own, and ‘Youth’ reminds you of her talent throughout the entire song. Building up from a slow meaningful beginning and erupting into a passionate euphonic number, ‘Youth’ is relatable. I find comfort in this song knowing it understands me and my inner workings. With Daughter, i feel at home.

Whether they enjoy not being mainstream i don’t know, but i’m glad they haven’t taken a massive dive into fandom, they are perfect just the way they are.

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