February 1, 2025
Community Author
Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up and share their musical loves. This post is from a community user and as such not affiliated with Mumubl. There's every chance they still have a cool music taste though ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Kevo Jefé is a rising TikTok star and rapper who has quickly gained a massive following across multiple platforms. Originally from Prince George’s County (PG) in Maryland, Kevo began his musical journey after his breakout track, “Baddie Friendâ€â€â€which includes the catchy line, “I love seeing 2 bad bitches being friendsâ€ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬went viral. The song’s viral success propelled him into the spotlight, earning him a following of over 400K on TikTok alone, with his total reach surpassing 500K across all platforms.


Kevo’s music and personality have captivated audiences, and his rapid rise showcases his unique blend of humor, relatability, and musical talent. Whether sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of his life or dropping new tracks, Kevo continues to grow as both a content creator and an artist.

Follow the links and enjoy Kevo Jefe’s sounds:


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