Premier: Rachel Kerr Releases New Single I Do

October 13, 2021
Community Author
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Rachel Kerr Releases New Single I Do: British singer/songwriter, celebrity vocal coach Rachl Kerr has released a new song titled โ€˜I Doโ€™. The newly released song is the first track of her forthcoming album โ€˜Masterpeaceโ€™ which slated to be released on 21nd Jan 2022


However, Rachel Kerrโ€™s powerful voice and stage performance are world class. She has received personal invitations to sing from US Presidents & UK Prime Ministers and well as invitations to tour with iconic artists such as Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Brandy and many more.


The award-winning will be releasing her 2022 tour ticket in two weeks time. So get ready to grab your ticket an party with her

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