
July 14, 2024
Community Author
Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up and share their musical loves. This post is from a community user and as such not affiliated with Mumubl. There's every chance they still have a cool music taste though 😉
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Lil Swurvie is a buzzing artist in the DMV area located in Virginia Beach. After doing shows with yachty, rich the kid, ty dolla $, post Malone and more in his early career with his 10 year plus in the underground & mainstream music industry we’ve all been looking forward of the return of Swurvie since his latest album released in 2021. Zodiac being his lead out single to an album He’s been hinting at for a few months on his social media. His sound is still incredibly unique and breaks down the walls of multiple genres mixing hints of rap punk cadences and r&b vocals. This record has an infectious energy to it and forces your body to move and your mood to drift into a positive state. This record could be on your local radio station, bar, club, sports event, & more.

Stream and Get connected with lil Swurvie via;

Song link; https://unitedmasters.com/m/zodiac-6

Email;  wearethemarketinggurus@gmail.com




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Community Author Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up