Big Motion by B3zzzy

June 29, 2023
Community Author
Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up and share their musical loves. This post is from a community user and as such not affiliated with Mumubl. There's every chance they still have a cool music taste though ๐Ÿ˜‰
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i Go the name of B3zzzy A unsigned artist into spotlight to prove the opposition wrong. Starting his career with freestylin’ around the streets of Compton then expanding to the studio recording his own music and handing out CDs across local stores he became an icon in music with his own unique sounds and catchy lyrics. Soon after he started investing in his music to chase his dreams because no one believed his vision. And the rest is going to be jogged down in history.

Born on October 2nd 1993, B3 came from a single-parent home. With his father going to prison when he was only 11yrs of age he had no older male figure to look up to but his big brother introduced him to music. Growing up around people who sold drugs in an area where it was a lot of killing going on every night he used his music to keep him from making the same mistakes he saw others make his whole entire life.

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