Coldplay – Parachutes. A Newcomer and Global Phenomenon

February 15, 2024
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From the very first moment I heard Yellow, it was the summer of 2000. I thought, wow, this is different, very different. The video was brilliantly shot and it worked seamlessly with the song but I was still not sure who Coldplay were. The song was a little downbeat for the summer months but it had me hooked.

Now, I have to be honest, the voice of Chris Martin is loved by millions and disliked by millions, but that is the beauty of music. It divides and it brings people together, and his voice certainly opened my eyes. However, it was the complete package because the instruments that make the music, the melodies and the rhythms made this song different. 


When it came to Parachutes, I ended up purchasing this in the December of 2000. The album had already been out for a few months but I was eager to give it a try and it mesmerised me. It was deep, uplifting, melodic, emotional – it had it all, and not many albums can boast that. It’s pretty much a soundtrack of my youth. Shiver is a song that definitely has a hold of my heart – it’s melodic, the guitars strum seamlessly through the track but this was a song that hit me deep. At the time, I was unaware that I was dating a girl who would become my wife. Here I am, 24 years on and we are still together and Parachutes is still an album I admire dearly.

The song for me that really put Coldplay on the map was not Yellow, it was Trouble. The video of Chris Martin tied to a chair, his warm breath meeting the cold air – it was sensational. Then we get onto the lyrics – they just had that stinging, piercing feel to them. This was a song with meaning. 


Despite this, Don’t Panic is strangely a ballad about the world coming to an end and it is my favourite song on the album. What is weird is that it is quite apt for the current situation we find ourselves in, and the song doesn’t feel out of place. Through all of this, what does make me smile is that back then I had no idea how long Coldplay would be around for but here we are, almost a quarter of a century later, and they’re still going strong. With a rather impressive back catalogue and sold-out arena tours (to which I have witnessed), I am pleased to say that I think I backed a winner. Albums come and go, but this one just sticks, and always will.

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