On the Way

March 4, 2025
Community Author
Mumubl is free for anyone to sign up and share their musical loves. This post is from a community user and as such not affiliated with Mumubl. There's every chance they still have a cool music taste though ๐Ÿ˜‰
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My name is Lotus Bomb, and I’m an independent rapper, pop singer, and Caribbean artist from Brooklyn, New York. Music has always been my passion, and I take pride in blending different genres to create something fresh and unique.

I would love for you to check out my latest single “Get Money”—a high-energy track that embodies ambition, hustle, and the drive to succeed. It’s a fusion of hip-hop, pop, and Caribbean influences, bringing a vibe that’s both catchy and authentic. I believe it would be a great fit for your platform, and I would be honored if you considered featuring it.
I truly appreciate your time and consideration, and I would love to hear your thoughts. Please let me know if you need any additional information. I’m looking forward to your response!
Best regards
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