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Updates coming soon

Just a quick news post – There’s some updates to the website in the works which is a start, it’s been a bit quiet recently. I’m also hoping to get back in to adding some posts to my own profile –

The Inspiration Liverpool project (http://inspirationliverpool.co.uk/) is also ticking along nicely, there’s 3 great posts up there so far from Natalie McCool, Anna-Grace Henny and Pete Murphy. There’s also a few more to come before a break over Christmas. This is another project that will hopefully have some exciting developments in the new year.

In addition to updates on social media on twitter https://twitter.com/mumubl and facebook https://www.facebook.com/mumublmusic there’s also now an email newsletter you can sign up to here http://eepurl.com/64LGn

And that is all for now, hopefully so more proper news to come soon.

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